Pandemic and ER Daughter

                My daughter Renee is a PA at a local hospital. She works in the ER.  Yesterday Dan and I took a tray of homemade cookies to the ER for Renee and the staff.    She came outside but we were in the car so we chatted for a few minutes(keeping a huge social distance).  Dan was squinting because the sun was in his eyes.  And Renee said, I miss you guys, oh Dad, don't cry.  Which of course, made him cry and then I started crying.  She had a mask on her face.She was framed in the ER doorway and below is who I saw.

     Renee is an adult but she will always be my baby girl!  My heart was fluttering.  We are really scared that Renee will get sick from Covid-19.  We know she is doing a good thing and helping others but when you are a bereaved parent, you definitely understand what death is and it is scary. Yesterday I was chatting with my friend Priscilla. Her daughter, son, and son-in-law all work as pharmacists and they are working 18 hour shifts!  Priscilla is also a bereaved mom and she is scared like Dan and I are.   I think of the medical staffs all over the world and think of how they are risking their lives to help others.  When I hear about people complaining about being under stay at home rules, I want to smack them. And for those who go out anyway in total disregard for the safety of others, most especially the health workers who are already inundated with sick patients, I say "shame on you!" 

 People call medical staff and front line workers heroes and they definitely are!  The photo below is the real Renee.

 More Renee below!


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