Another Day, Another Take-out Order!!

        Today I  had plenty of energy. I got up, showered, dressed, and cleaned my bathroom.  When I went downstairs, I felt wobbly.  I don't know why! I guess my PD is progressing.  If wishing could stop it from progressing, I would be normal brained again!  I just have to stop wishing and deal with my life as it is.  I do not think there will be a cure for PD in my lifetime.

        I went for a walk with Dan when he came home at lunchtime. I try to make myself walk a little further each day! He brought McDonald's food home for lunch. The girls were thrilled  but I just wasn't feeling it!  I had a peanut butter sandwich instead!  Yesterday Olivia and Olya ordered take-out food from a local expensive restaurant. Their two meals cost them $45.  It did last them for two meals so I guess it was worth it!   He brought home 8 hamburgers/cheeseburgers, lots of fries and chicken tenders.  Olivia thought it was a lot of food but it is all gone now!!
         Yesterday I went online and we had our library book club online. It was fun to chat about the book and see the members! Olya helped me get on and into the group.  It was a bluejeans site.  The librarian told us about Hoopla which is a book system where any number of people can access the same book online as an ebook. I think the libraries pay about $500 per month to use hoopla!  The good thing is that we won't have any trouble getting the same book to read and everyone has a Kindle!
        I watched a Broadway Play online with Olya.  She had to watch it for a film/theater class she is taking.  She had to watch the play and then write a review. The title of the play was SHE LOVES ME.  It actually was really good so if you are looking for something to watch, which is a clean and funny musical  rom-com play, watch it on youtube!
        I ordered four large pizzas and four large orders of fries for Renee and the ER staff at the hospital where she works.  Adam offered to pick them up and drive them to the hospital. That was nice of him to offer to do that. Dan went and ordered and paid for the pizzas today so Adam just has to pick them up tomorrow!
         Today I chatted with my long time friend Joann!  We went to elementary school together but I moved in 6th grade..  We reconnected when we both were at the same college!! Joann and I see life through the same view finder and it is good to have a close friend like that! 


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