I started a new blog because I was having so many issues with my old blog!  But  I will continue on with posting about my life and experiences with PD! My new Blog is titled the Story of My Life with PD.  Yesterday we had a quiet Easter! Usually my sister's family and my niece Erica come for dinner!    Olivia and Olya did the scavenger hunt for Easter in the morning.  They foudn most of their items on the list. However, Olivia was missing a few pencils that I hid so she went inside and just added a few pencils to her bag!!  We gave them their prizes of $60 each in an envelope!  They said they thought we would give them a real gift! When isn't cash a real  gift??  I though they would be thrilled because they love ot go on Amazon and buy things.  They both ordered new sneakers form NIKE which cost $80 plus shipping so Dan gave the his credit card and they have to give us the cash back!I also ordered two small gifts for them and hopefully they will arrive in the mail soon!  I made broiled lobster tails, Olivia made the pasta, and  Olya made the scallops. Everything was delicious!(ALL ABOUT THE FOOD)!! Since the three of us cooked, Dan did the dishes!We were going to FACETIME with Renee and Adam while we ate, but Renee was still cooking(even though she had picked the time earlier!!) so I just FACETIMED with her and Adam while they ate!

Dan and I went to the cemetery in the morning and took some of Amy's gifts to her.  I also always visit my dad when we are there.   My PD really acted up on Easter! I had trouble walking to Amy's and to my dad's grave and I had trouble standing to cook the lobster tails and to set the table!   I just felt off balance which is such an annoying feeling!  Today I worked on a banner to thank the healthcare workers. I asked Olya and Olivia to help me with it but they had no interest so I did it alone. Dan helped me with the mechanics of how I could hang it and he helped me unroll it and roll it back up!
         It is so difficult to just do simple things when you have PD! I had trouble getting down on the floor and getting back up again. Everything takes three or four times as long when you have PD because it takes so long to go get something you might need. I needed tape and I needed a hole puncher. Fortunately,  Dan helped me get some of the things!


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