Overall Effect of Coronavirus Isolation and PD
I think that being inside and sitting so much has put my body into a slow down and tired routine. I have no energy to do much. I am sick and tired of being so tired all of the time!! I wonder if my isolation routine has made me lazy and sleepy! I have decided to try to keep busy and then maybe I won't notice how tired I am!! Today I decided to split my Hostas. I have been looking at them and thinking that I should divide them before they open all of the way! So I gathered my things and I went outside. It was difficult to dig a hole with PD! I tried to do it standing up because I am afraid that I can't get up again if I go down on my knees! I felt off balance but I am getting use to feeling off balance so I check out my surroundings ahead of time! I had a tree to hang onto on the left side of this garden and I had a birdbath in the middle that I could hold onto! I keep saying that I can't garden any more because I have PD and I am afraid of falling but I keep doing it!! I hope that they take in the ground, I have split them before and they worked out fine! Hostas hide weeds!! I am also thinking about painting some rocks for color in the garden!! I have a few painted rocks in my garden at the bottom of the driveway!
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