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I have had minor problems with constipation since my PD diagnosis. If I ate a banana daily, I usually was OK. I also eat a diet heavy in fresh fruits so I never thought it would be an issue for me!! However, recently I have had to also take a stool softener. Now I am having bigger problems with it. I hope it is only a PD related issue! When you have the big"C", it is all you can think about!! I get a colonoscopy every few years. The first time i got one, I remember the gastro doc saying to me."You have a really really long colon." LOL, I am not sure how to respond to that!! Should I be proud? Should I be ashamed? Should I be sorry? Or should i say thank you? Yesterday I went to CVS and got a bag of supplies. I purchased a plethora of items including, stool softeners, laxatives, Fleets enemas, Preparation H, and Miralax!! Now at CVS, customers just hold up the bar codes on the items while the cashier scans them and the customer bags their own items. Thank goodness for small favors in life!! If she had seen all of my items, she probably would have thought, gee, she has a huge problem!! I was telling my daughter about my issues and she said I should take the Miralax daily and that for now I should take about a tablespoon mixed with water every few hours. For my PD online friends, please let me know if you have a solution for the big "C" that works well for you!
Yesterday I was not feeling up to par due to the issue I wrote about in the first paragraph. I sat outside and listened to the birds singing and flying around. It was such a peaceful day until the huge rain storm. We have been without power since 11 a m yesterday due to the storm. We have a generator so we have a few things still working!! We broke down and purchased one a few years ago because we had been without power a few times a year for about 4-5 days!!I

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