Yesterday I won $300 on a $30 dollar lottery card!  Dan had given me a $30 lottery card on our anniversary on June 7th.  I won $30, the price of the card.  I asked him to cash it in and he got me another card. Yesterday I won $300! That is the most I have ever own on a lottery card!! It was exciting to win. I paid for take-out for Olivia and Frankie and Olya because of my winnings!   Yesterday was not a good PD day. I had a telemedicine appointment with my gastroenterologist because of my “C” issue. My doc said that “C” is really a big issue for PD people and that he thinks it isn’t anything serious! He gave me new meds and said I could wait and did not have to have a colonoscopy right now!!!  I was thrilled about that news.  But whenever anything is wrong with me physically, my PD acts up! I had so much difficulty getting up and down from the couch or the floor. I finished my project for Adam and Renee’s birthday!  Dan actually had to physically lift me up because I just could not get up from the floor no matter who hard I tried!!

        I had Renee and Adam’s friends and relatives each design a letter for Happy Birthday Renee and Adam and then I posted them on a banner. It looks so cute!!  Olya and I took the banner over this morning with gifts for them. Renee’s birthday is on the 14th and Adam’s is on the 11th.  I would have taken it yesterday but it was pouring rain and I didn’t want all the hard work to be wasted!! I actually forgot all about having PD while we decorated and put up the banner. Then we knocked on the door and Renee came out and we gave her gifts and a cake.  Adam came out a few minutes later!  They both loved the sign!! Adam got a cake yesterday from Renee.  Of course, Olya saw the cake photo on Renee’s Instagram yesterday and wanted a piece of that cake!!  She said it was really good!


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