
Showing posts from April, 2020

A Once in a Lifetime View of my Daughter's Room! And Happy Birthday Kat

         Olivia cleaned her room! I took photos to make sure I can always look back at it!! Last night I heard the vacuum cleaner running and I went upstairs. Olivia was actually running the vacuum cleaner! I said to Olivia, are you trying to give me a heart attack or what???  She showed me her bedroom! I rarely see the rug in her room because it is usually covered with clothes or other things!!  I am still in shock!!                         Olivia has her own bedroom, has a Glam room in the basement(with all of her make up , hair products, make up mirror/table etc) and a closet in our guest room with her extra clothes!!          Today I had lots of energy when I got up. my brain felt energized but my PD body did NOT!!  I took a long shower, made my bed, and went downstairs!  By then, my meds kicked in!  I read my emails and then I ...


        I had a great sleep last night! I went to bed early and slept until about 6 a m.  I got up, showered, and dressed.  Then I caught up on CNN to see the numbers of covid 19 patients.  I cleaned my bedroom and made the bed and then went downstairs.  When I got up, I was really off balance because I didn't want to take my meds so early.   I was afraid to take them so early because I didn't want to be wobbly and off balance in the evening.  I can take 1.5 carbidopa-levodopa tablets three times daily.  I try to take them at 9 a m, 3 p m, and 8 p m.  I wish that I could take one extra dose a day because then I wouldn't have so many off periods.          Today our $500 food order from Giant was delivered. Olya came bounding down the steps to let us know that the delivery truck was in the driveway!  I think it was more exciting than Christmas morning!! Olivia had planned to make shish -ka- bo...

Exciting(well, exciting while under self-isolating rule) Day!

        Today I got up, had lots of energy, stripped my bed and took a shower! Afterwards I put the sheets in the washer!  I straightened up downstairs and then I was ravenous. I took one of the frozen bananas out of the freezer and while it was defrosting I read my email!  I had forgotten about the banana and when I went back to get it, it looked soggy and I threw it away!  Later I called my friend Madelyn.  She adopted a girl named Yana from Olivia's orphanage, Yana came to visit Olivia last summer.  It was so much fun to catch up and to chat with Madelyn!              I love to play the online game "Words with Friends." One of my online game friends, Chotee, asked me how I was doing with the Covid-19 pandemic.  I had thought she lived in the UK, but she actually lives on a beautiful island named Maritius in the Indian Ocean!  She told me that her island is on lockdown and only 9 people have ...

Another Day, Another Take-out Order!!

        Today I  had plenty of energy. I got up, showered, dressed, and cleaned my bathroom.  When I went downstairs, I felt wobbly.  I don't know why! I guess my PD is progressing.  If wishing could stop it from progressing, I would be normal brained again!  I just have to stop wishing and deal with my life as it is.  I do not think there will be a cure for PD in my lifetime.         I went for a walk with Dan when he came home at lunchtime. I try to make myself walk a little further each day! He brought McDonald's food home for lunch. The girls were thrilled  but I just wasn't feeling it!  I had a peanut butter sandwich instead!  Yesterday Olivia and Olya ordered take-out food from a local expensive restaurant. Their two meals cost them $45.  It did last them for two meals so I guess it was worth it!   He brought home 8 hamburgers/cheeseburgers, lots of fries and chicken tenders...

Another Day in My Life with PD

  Monday               Today I woke up and felt so much better. I am still tired but not as tired as I have been!  I took a really long shower because I cleaned and scrubbed the tile while I was in the shower!  After I got dressed and went downstairs, I cleaned the kitchen. And I cleaned out and organized a few shelves in one cabinet.  My Sciatica was so painful!  I had to sit while I was organizing items.          Thank you to everyone who messaged, called and emailed me and wrote on the comments about Renee. It made me feel good!  I chatted with my friend Joni today. She is so funny!  It's always so good to chat with friends while we are in the stay at home rule!  I also spoke to my sister.  She  is still teaching her online college courses.            I am going to try to list a few things that are positive from the shelter in place rule. The ...

Pandemic and ER Daughter

                My daughter Renee is a PA at a local hospital. She works in the ER.  Yesterday Dan and I took a tray of homemade cookies to the ER for Renee and the staff.    She came outside but we were in the car so we chatted for a few minutes(keeping a huge social distance).  Dan was squinting because the sun was in his eyes.  And Renee said, I miss you guys, oh Dad, don't cry.  Which of course, made him cry and then I started crying.  She had a mask on her face.She was framed in the ER doorway and below is who I saw.      Renee is an adult but she will always be my baby girl!  My heart was fluttering.  We are really scared that Renee will get sick from Covid-19.  We know she is doing a good thing and helping others but when you are a bereaved parent, you definitely understand what death is and it is scary. Yesterday I was chatting with my friend Priscilla. Her daughter, so...

Cake Cookies for the Heroes!!

        Today I got up and felt better and had more energy. Now I know that it is better to keep doing whatever I can because when I am worn out, I am really down and out. Yesterday I had planned to make cookies for my daughter Renee and the ER staff at the hospital where she works. She is a PA in the ER.  When I got out the flour, I had less than a half cup.  I felt bad because I really wanted to make cookies while I felt pretty good. I started looking at recipes online and I found a few cookie recipes that used box cake mix!          I got everything out last night so that I could bake as soon as I got up.  I also only had two eggs so I knew I could only make one box mix. Olivia and Olya love eggs and they make eggs for breakfast most mornings.  I made a white box cake mix that had little candy colors in it. It was a confetti cake box mix.  My Sciatica was terrible today but I was determined to make the cookies....


        Today was such a sleepy day for me!   I think my PD is totally off!  I haven't been sleeping well at night. I got up about 8 a m and showered, dressed, etc. Then I went downstairs, wobbly, and off balance, and sat on the couch!  Other than eating, I was on the couch the entire day. I  fell asleep most of the day and when I was awake I had difficulty walking and getting up.  My sciatica is also so painful.  I cant stand it!! I took Tylenol every few hours and Tylenol makes me even more sleepy.         I chatted on the phone with my friend Aileen today. She is so darn funny, she just cracks me up! I think that chatting with my friends keeps me sane. I also chat with my sister everyday!         Yesterday I chatted with an old friend.  She also adopted three kids from Ukraine! It was nice to catch up and chat with her.  I think that many kids adopted from Ukraine have fetal alc...

SO AFRAID OF Covid-19 because of PD

        Yesterday I sort of sat around most of the day because I felt queasy and off balance. I can't find my thermometer but I have the chills, am sweaty and my forehead feels hot! I cooked a big dinner because I had ordered a big ham and Olivia wanted me to make it! Olya made mashed potatoes and I made rice(Here I am talking about FOOD again!!).  My sister and I chat everyday.  I've started to notice that we are talking about our food orders a LOT!  We talk about what we ordered, when it's coming, etc. I had gotten four bunches of bananas instead of 4 bananas. Some of my friends told me that you can freeze bananas if you peel them first!  I never knew that, live and learn!!  Dan tried one after it was frozen and defrosted and he said it tasted great!!    Dan and I have been watching a goose and gander in the back of our yard. The goose sits on her nest, she is sitting on a few eggs but not sure how many!  The gand...

FAILED Thank You Banner for Healthcare Workers

                  I made a long thank you banner to hang outside the  hospital where Renee works. I spent several hours making it!  Dan went with me this morning to help me hang it. It was so WINDY.  We had quite a time trying to hold it and stop it from flapping in the wind and ripping!  We found a wall to put it up on and had about half of it duct taped when one of the maintenance guys came driving by. He was really nice but told us that wasn't a good spot because of the helicopter landing near there and it would be pulled off the wall and possibly into the helicopter blades. We said Ok and he said Thank you so much anyway!  By that time, much of it had ripped because of the wind so I told Dan to bunch it up and we took it home and threw it away! Yesterday Dan said to you really want to go near a hospital?  That thought stayed with me!   I was thinking that stupid me will wind up getting co...


        I started a new blog because I was having so many issues with my old blog!  But  I will continue on with posting about my life and experiences with PD! My new Blog is titled the Story of My Life with PD.  Yesterday we had a quiet Easter! Usually my sister's family and my niece Erica come for dinner!    Olivia and Olya did the scavenger hunt for Easter in the morning.  They foudn most of their items on the list. However, Olivia was missing a few pencils that I hid so she went inside and just added a few pencils to her bag!!  We gave them their prizes of $60 each in an envelope!  They said they thought we would give them a real gift! When isn't cash a real  gift??  I though they would be thrilled because they love ot go on Amazon and buy things.  They both ordered new sneakers form NIKE which cost $80 plus shipping so Dan gave the his credit card and they have to give us the cash back!I also ordered two sma...